Concealed carrier may have prevented a mass shooting in Glendale, AZ

Short of Minority Report-style precognition, we can never know for certain what might have happened. We can only judge what elements were present and what the intentions of the aggressor in this situation seemed to be before fate—or in instance, another person—stepped in.


What we do know for certain is that a 27-year-old man got at an argument at a party in Glendale, AZ and was asked to leave. He returned  a short time later with a rifle, fire several shots in the air to terrify party-goers, and then leveled the muzzle of the rifle at the before a partygoer ended the threat.

The man pointed the rifle at partygoers and a 39-year-old partygoer pulled out a handgun and shot the 27 year old before police arrived, Breeden said. The shooter did not try to leave and waited for officers to arrive.

The shooter has been cooperative with investigators, she said. He was questioned and released by detectives.

“This is standard procedure under these type of circumstances,” Breeden said. “Information and evidence detectives have gathered leads them to believe the 27-year-old was not only firing his rifle, endangering partygoers, but also pointed the weapon at other partygoers, endangering them, prior to the 39-year-old displaying a weapon and shooting the 27-year-old.”


A good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun. The way the article reads, it appears the interviews of the man with the handgun and the party-goers conclusively define the incident as a “good shoot.”

The  27-year-old suffered life-threatening injuries, and if he survives, will likely face charges.

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