Cancer Survivor With Concealed Carry Permit Drives Off FIVE Home Invaders In Detroit

By the nature, most criminals are craven predators, preferring to target those that they see as being weaker. Unfortunately, known survivors of long or chronic illnesses are often targeted by home invaders hoping to score prescription narcotics.


That was the likely motive early yesterday morning when a band of robbers forced their way into Dietta Gueye’s house and started shooting.

They quickly discovered that while her body may have been weakened by cancer, she retained the will to fight:

She was in bed when five men burst through her windows at 2:30 a.m. But they didn’t know that Dietta was locked and loaded and not afraid to start firing.

Dietta got her CPL three years ago when her house was robbed. After hearing the men come in, she grabbed her gun and started firing.

“Imagine being woke up out of your sleep with somebody (holding) a gun in your face,” she told FOX 2’s Amy Lange. “My first reaction was survival. My first thought was shoot.”

She was tucked into bed and sound asleep, when the first man crashed through her bedroom window.

It’s likely he nor the men that followed knew she was in there or that she had a gun.

She said they avoided the backyard, where the dogs were kept and climbed through using a crate to get into the front window. She couldn’t see, and said that they had taken he light bulb from the front porch.

But she didn’t need sight to grab her gun. It was by her side, in her bed.

“As soon as I was able to feel the barrel of my gun – I shot – and I was shooting,” Dietta said.

At least one of them was shooting back as they were trying to flee the house and one tried to escape through an upstairs window. When he couldn’t get out, he came back down the stairs and fired one last shot that went through Dietta’s thigh.

“The bullet it went in and it came out,” she said.


After battling and beating cancer, Dietta’s response to the through-and-through bullet wound was more or less, “meh.”

She’s part of a tough breed of women concealed carriers in Detroit whom we have featured frequently at Bearing Arms as they take on band of young male criminals and typically succeed. We wrote about another tough Detroit lady who drove off a trio of carjackers last week, a grandmother who shot her way out of an attempted robbery last year, and a retired nurse who took on an angry mob to save the victim of a racial attack.

Almost a year ago Detroit Police Chief James Craig gave credit to concealed carriers like these brave women for helping drive a dramatic reduction in violent crime.

Whle the mainstream media seeks ot discount and minimize these stories, good people with guns and courage stop bad people with guns and criminal intent on a regular basis, typically dozens to hundreds or even thousands of times every day. Most of the time the mere displayed presence of a firearm is enough to drive the predators away. Many times police reports aren’t even filed. Even when police reports are filed, only a handful of hundreds or thousands of defensive guns uses make even the local media, and typically then only when shots are fired and injuries result.


Good people with guns make a difference.

Good people with guns and solid training often end criminal careers.

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