Muslim Terrorists Behead Priest During Mass In France

Radical Islam is at war with civilization itself.

It does not appear that civilization is willing to acknowledge that yet, even after a shocking attack by Muslim terrorists in Normandy today where two savages beheaded a priest during Mass.


Two knife-wielding men yelling “Daesh!” – an Arabic acronym for ISIS – brutally murdered an 84-year-old priest Tuesday inside a French church where they took hostages, according to reports.

Two nuns and two worshipers were in the church in the town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray in Normandy when the jihadists broke in during Mass, and slit priest Jacques Hamel’s throat, an Interior Ministry spokesman told Agence France-Presse.

An anti-gang police unit responded after one of the nuns escaped and called for help, The Local reported. After an hour-long standoff, cops killed the assailants and freed three hostages.

One hostage suffered life-threatening injuries.

Paris prosecutor’s office said the case was being handled by anti-terrorism prosecutors.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls expressed his “horror at the barbaric attack,” The Local reported.

“The whole of France and all Catholics are wounded. We will stand together,” he posted on Twitter.

Pope Francis also voiced his “pain and horror,” according to the Vatican.

“Expressing horror” after the fact won’t restore the life of Father Jacques Hamel, 84, who was murdered by Islamic terrorists clearly at war with western culture and the Catholic faith. The attack is just the latest attack in France, which sooner or later is going to have to deal with the reality that they have imported a radical Islamic insurgency which clearly feels that it now has the strength to fight for control of the very soul of French culture itself.


Sadly, the socialist leaders of Europe have exacerbated this conflict by importing millions of Muslim “refugees” in recent years in what is nothing more or less than an invasion from an utterly alien culture in the Middle East and North Africa. The most recent terrorist bomber in Germany is a Syrian “refugee” who attempted to murder the culture that took him in. He is one of tens of thousands of unvetted radicals who have been brought down upon Europe by bleeding hearts with no real understanding of history, and who cannot grasp that radically different cultures with no shared values simply cannot “coexist.”

While the mainstream media in the United States and Europe will refuse to mention it, there are hints that a three-way arms race is under way in Europe.

European governments are belatedly beginning to arm and train government forces to deal with Islamic terrorism by better equipping police and military forces with better weapons and specialized training to deal with these threats (mostly after the fact), and the ethno-religious rioting and reprisals that will inevitably come.

Host country nationals are beginning to acquire weapons as best they can. Those nations where citizens are allowed to buy arms are seeing a a surge in legal firearms purchases, and when they can’t, they are resorting to the black market for arms. It’s further logical to speculate that many of these weapons are fully-automatic small arms, such as the AKMs, Vz58s, and Skorpion machine pistols we’ve seen captured in raids. They will be used in reprisal attacks. It’s simply a matter of time.


It’s also sadly well known that the radical Muslims carrying out these attacks are smuggling in weapons, as proven by the caches of arms captured in mosques and homes raided in France after the Bataclan attacks (again, downplayed by European and American news media).

Europe is in the beginning stages of a clash of civilizations on its own soil thanks to the historical ignorance and willful cultural blindness of their leaders, and unless they are finally forced to admit that multicultural cannot work and that people with radically different values and cultures cannot occupy the same space (a fact validate throughout human history on every continent), they may very well lose this fight against the monsters they invited to feast upon them.

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Tom Knighton 11:29 AM | January 17, 2025