MD Teen Defends Family From Horny, Christmas-Wrecking Home Invader

A home invader in Maryland was shot and killed after it broke into home in search of sex… with a Christmas tree?

A Maryland teenager shot and killed a deer after it broke through his front door and went after the family Christmas tree, according to WTTG.

The incident took place on Dec. 5.

Ryan Manchester, 17, believed that a doe had sprayed their Christmas tree, which was cut down the day before.

He thought that the deer got the scent of the tree, causing it to attack it.

Manchester thought someone was trying to break into his house when heard a loud banging at the front door.

He went to the next room and saw the eight-point buck barge into the house and knock over the Christmas tree.

He caught the whole incident on video with his cell phone.


Here’s the pre-shooting cell-phone video.

The deer’s behavior is not as bizarre as you might think. He’s merely tracking the scent of a doe in heat and going where nature tells him he has a chance of procreating.

What I don’t understand is why this family would bring a tree covered in doe estrus into their home. If you’ve never smelled it, it’s a strong musky scent, and can be overpowering.

In any event. this young buck was doing enough damage that the teen eventually retrieved his father’s 9mm and put it down, inside the home.

As this is Maryland, one of the least gun-friendly states in the nation, I half-expect the state to find a way to press charges against the father for giving the 17-year-old access to a handgun. Let’s hope they aren’t that insane.


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Tom Knighton 11:29 AM | January 17, 2025