Teenager Kills Himself On Instagram Live Playing With Pistol

It “suddenly went off.”

A teen is dead after he accidentally shot himself while his friends watched on Instagram Live, according to WXIA.

“I heard a big boom,” his mother Shaniqua Stephens said. “I couldn’t tell if it was a gun shot or what.”

Stephens had just watched her 13-year-old son, Malachi Hemphill, take out the trash Monday evening when she heard the gunshot.

She rushed upstairs with her daughter to find her son in pool of blood. His phone was still streaming on Instagram Live.

“We kicked in the door. We found him just laying there in a pool of blood,” Stephens told the station. “My daughter screamed and said, ‘Mom turn his phone off!’ As I proceeded to look at his phone he was on Instagram Live.”

The teen was live on Instagram holding a gun when it suddenly went off. He was rushed to the hospital where he died.


I sympathize with Mrs. Stephens. It has to be horrible to lose a child at such a young age, and over something so utterly pointless as showing off an illegally-acquired gun.

Malachi’s friends who saw him showing off the (presumably stolen, then passed around) pistol allegedly told him to put the magazine in the pistol, and it was after doing so that he negligently pulled the trigger and shot himself.

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