Georgia women threatened with gun over Obama protest

Hey, remember when dissent was patriotic?

Well, that was during a prior administration. Now holding a sign calling for the impeachment of President Obama is apparently offensive enough to one of the President’s supporters that pulled a gun on two protesters:


Two Gwinnett County women claim they were threatened with a gun while conducting a protest to impeach President Barack Obama.

“I was standing there with a sign and I looked and he had a gun pointed at me,” protestor Toni Pendley told Channel 2’s Kerry Kavanaugh.

My first reaction in any story of this type is to look at it with a questioning eye, as there have been countless hoaxes perpetrated by people looking to gin up media attention for their cause.

In this instance, the reporter actually her due diligence and found that another 911 call was made by another eyewitness to the assault, lending it credibility.

Regardless of your politics, pulling a gun on someone for peacefully expressing different beliefs is wrong. Hopefully curiously un-described offender will be caught quickly and put behind bars.

For their part, the ladies vow to be out protesting again tomorrow.

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