Teen Killed In Shootout Used Gun Posted In Social Media To Shoot At St. Louis Cop [UPDATED]

Vonderitt Myers was out on bail for a prior gun charge when he was shot and killed by a St. Louis police officer.
Vonderrit Myers Jr. allgedly used the stolen two-tone Smith & Wesson Sigma 9mm pistol ( arrow, left) to shoot at a St. Louis Police officer, who returned fire, killing Myers.

Perhaps someone should have told Vonderrit Myers Jr., “hands up, don’t shoot.”

The teenager became the most recent focus of protester fury in the St. Louis area when the teen was killed after allegedly opening fire on a police officer.

His family claims that he was unarmed, and that he only had a sandwich in his hands. A community already on edge after the Michael Brown shooting and riots in nearby Ferguson believed the family, which wasn’t near the scene when the shooting occurred.

They shouldn’t have:

FOX 2 has learned the suspect, shot and killed last week by police, showed off his stolen gun to anyone who would look.  We obtained pictures of Vonderrit Myers Jr. showing off his handguns on social media.  Fox Files investigator Chris Hayes reveals the evidence while exploring why the officer shot at Myers 17 times.

Vonderrit Myers Jr. reportedly posted a picture on social media before someone dismantled the page.  You can see three handguns in his lap, including a 9 millimeter Smith and Wesson semi-automatic.

Brian Millikan, the attorney for the officer who shot Myers said, ‘The one weapon with the silver slide on it has been positively identified by my client as the gun that was used in the shooting that night.’

The suspect’s family claimed publicly that Myers did not have a gun.

Millikan said, ‘We want people to know, not only did he have it but this is the actual weapon that he used that night.’

Myers was out on bail and faced a court date on another weapons charge when he was shot and killed after opening fire on the officer.


Incredibly, while photos of Myers holding stolen weapons in various poses have been posted to social media since his shooting, his apologists refuse to believe the possibility that the (alleged) criminal was anything other than a victim of “police murder.”

Rationality has gone out the window, and a witch-hunt mentality has taken over not just in the Ferguson/St. Louis area, but to a lesser degree, nationwide. A significant percentage of the population has gone from distrusting law enforcement has devolved into outright hatred for not just the police, but for the very idea of civility.

We live in interesting times, folks.

Plan accordingly.

Update: Just-released forensics evidence shows conclusively that Myers shot at least three times and may have fire another at the officer before the officer killed Myers by returning fire:

The Missouri Highway Patrol analysis found gunshot residue on Myers’ hands, on his shirt and inside the waistband and pockets of his jeans. Police said that although gunshot residue can be present on anyone near a shooting, the results show levels consistent with Myers being the shooter, because the police officer was standing too far away.

Ballistics evidence also revealed three bullets that hit the ground where the officer was trying to take cover matched Myers’ gun. A round found inside a car behind the officer was too badly damaged to be able to match it to his gun, however, it did not match the type of bullets the officer fired, police said.

If they want to spend the money—and frankly, it doesn’t seem like it is needed—they could have the damaged bullet compared metallurgically to match it to the other three bullets Meyers fired at the officer, but it would serve little point other than to further confirm what we already know.


Perhaps shocking no one, Myers’s family and pastor are refusing to ignore all the evidence, including the various social media photos of Myers holding weapons, including the photo shown in this article.

Pastor Doug Hollis, a spokesman for the Myers family, rejected the claims by police and the union Tuesday. “You can say anything. You can put anything in his hands,” he said of Myers. Hollis also said that the family does not know the man who posted the photos of Myers with guns. “We don’t even know who he is,” he said. “We’re disputing all that.”

Maintaining the mythology has become far more important than reality for this community. That terrifying fact is making the situation increasingly dangerous. They do not care about facts, data, or evidence in the slightest, and want “social justice” for imagined slights and cosmic wrongs.

This sort of mindset all but promises more violent riots. Have you upgraded your everyday carry yet?

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