Butt-Hurt Tourists Cut Vacations Short Over Pro-Gun Sign In Maine

Delicate yachting aficionados to a small tourist town in coastal Maine are getting the vapors and taking to their fainting couches because local resident Linc Sample dared to stand up for our right to bear arms by putting a sign in his yard challenging gun control fetishests obsession with AR-15-style rifles.


A pro-gun protest sign that stole a slogan from a civil rights activist group is drawing complaints from tourists visiting the tiny Maine town.

Linc Sample proudly erected a “Black Rifles Matter” sign on his property in Boothbay Harbor to speak out against calls to ban assault rifles.

The riff on the Black Lives Matter movement — which protests police brutality, and especially police shootings, against black people — was deliberate, he told NENC.

“They’re being targeted because of their appearance, fair enough. So is my rifle,” he said. “If anything, they should be flattered I used the phrase.”

Amusingly, while the town is aware that some effete gun control-supporting tourists hate Mr. Sample’s sign and have left town in a huff as a result of it, they stand 100% behind his right to use his First Amendment rights to display his support of our Second Amendment rights, and are not asking him to take his sign down.


The thing is, Linc Sample says that he is taking his “Black Guns Matter” sign soon.

With a twinkle in his eye, he says that he has an even better sign going up in its place.

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