Home of the Free: 'We The People' Nails it this Independence Day!


Well, Happy Independence Day, folks.

I have to say, it’s always special and chokes me up to think back at what our forefathers and ancestors endured to give birth to this country. I see the flag flying at local parades and can’t help but feel sorry for what these great men and women must think of us now.


Do you feel it, too?

Aren’t you incredulous at what this great nation has become?

Aren’t we all fed up with our tyrannical government, propagandists in the media, socialists in office, politically correct censoring elitists and extreme departure from all that this nation once stood for?

Freedom. Pride. Strength. Honor. Faith.

A line in Big SMO’s latest song ‘We The People‘ sums it up best: “Government mobs they thinkin they Gods, they takin our jobs and wanting our guns, too.”

Well I’ve had it, and apparently I’m not the only one.

μολὼν λαβέ, patriots.

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