How is This Not Already a Federal Crime?

On Wednesday, U.S. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) introduced legislation that would make the killing a police officer a federal crime.

How is this not already a federal offense?


According to Cornyn’s office, the bill would ensure anyone who killed or conspired or attempted to kill a public safety officer, a federally funded law enforcement officer or a federal judge would be eligible for the death penalty as well as a mandatory minimum 30-year-sentence for murder and 10 years for attempted murder. It would also create additional federal crimes for fleeing a state to avoid prosecution for such offenses or for assaulting an officer.

“Law enforcement officers selflessly put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities, and in return they deserve our unparalleled support for the irreplaceable role they serve,” Cornyn said in a statement. “The Back the Blue Act sends a clear message that our criminal justice system simply will not tolerate those who viciously and deliberately target our law enforcement. As our country continues to grieve following last week’s tragedy in Dallas, we must come together in support of those who risk everything to keep us safe.”


Additionally, Cornyn’s bill would expand the use of federal grants aimed at improving relations between law enforcement agencies and the communities they protect; allow officers to carry firearms in federal buildings and other places they are currently prohibited; and place limitations on the appeals process for convicted murderers of police officers.

I can’t imagine anyone opposing this legislation, but leave it to the liberals to oppose supporting our country’s law enforcement.

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