Adam Laxalt: Straight Talk About Nevada's Question One

In August, Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt announced his opposition to Question 1, the gun-control ballot initiative financed by former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and out-of-state anti-gun activists.


Lexalt’s announcement aligned Nevada’s chief law enforcement officer with the majority of Nevada sheriffs who oppose the gun control measure. If passed, the initiative would prohibit virtually all private transfers, making it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to exercise their Second Amendment rights by imposing unlimited fees and increased bureaucratic paperwork.

The NRA also opposes the measure and says Nevada law enforcement officials agree that the gun control initiative would cost law-abiding Nevadans time and money but would not  prevent criminals from obtaining firearms.

“As the state’s chief law enforcement officer, I take seriously my duty to ensure that my fellow Nevadans are safe,” Laxalt said. “I have carefully reviewed the Question 1 initiative and have concluded that it would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms and would instead cost Nevadans time, money, and freedom.”

Listen to Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s straightforward message on Nevada’s Question One:

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