House To Vote On Gun Control Bill Today

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

From the moment it was announced that Democrats had taken control of the House, we all knew it was coming. Today, the House will vote on a gun control bill, the first since in a very long while.


Lori Haas couldn’t contain her frustration the last time Congress voted on expanding background checks for gun purchases.

“Shame on you!” she shouted at senators in 2013 when a bill to extend background checks to private transactions at gun shows and over the internet failed.

Haas, whose daughter survived two bullet wounds to the head during the shooting massacre on the Virginia Tech campus in 2007, will have a different reaction when the House votes Wednesday on similar legislation.

That bill, along with another extending the time a dealer has to wait for a response from the background check system before completing a sale, is expected to pass the Democrat-led House.

“It’s about time,” Haas said.

The legislation is not, however, likely to be brought up for a vote in the Republican-controlled Senate.

No, it’s not.

However, Haas’ earlier outrage betrays a fundamental breakdown in the thinking of anti-gun activists. You see, I get that she’s upset over her daughter’s shooting. A lot of people who don’t even know her are upset about it. That includes me.

However, it should be noted that her daughter’s shooter underwent a background for his firearm purchases. A universal background check scheme wouldn’t have stopped him.

Nice try, though.

Meanwhile, we’re revisiting this in the halls of Congress. The problem here is that these bills don’t accomplish anything. Even if it somehow passed and became law, it wouldn’t stop the bad guys.


“That’s no reason to try,” I’ve seen anti-gunners lament. My response is simple. Yes, it is. It is when all a law will accomplish is get in the way of good and decent people to purchase or sell their property. Yes, it is if there’s even the remote possibility that a son will have to jump through hoops to take possession of his father’s old shotgun or hunting rifle. Yes, it is if there’s no hope in the world that you’ll fail to accomplish the task at hand, which is to reduce gun violence.

Now, even if I thought it might do any of those things, I’d still oppose universal background checks from a rights standpoint, but I get that not everyone thinks that way.

But if it won’t even work? This country already has enough laws as it is. No one can keep up with them. Do we really need one more that won’t do anything except jam up people who didn’t realize they couldn’t transfer a gun without government permission at best?

I don’t think so.

I’m just glad the Senate won’t even consider it.

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