Women's Gun Rights Advocacy Group Springs Up In Unlikely Place

With campus carry laws taking hold throughout the nation, it’s not surprising that there would be some adjustment period. During that time, battle lines in the war over guns would be redrawn as various groups try to reposition themselves as they move forward to deal with whatever the future has in store.


One thing the future had in store was a new pro-gun advocacy group for women…on campus.

From The College Fix:

A year after campus carry became legal statewide in Texas, a woman’s gun rights group is taking off

Last month marked the anniversary of a major victory for the concealed carry movement in Texas – and the debut of a pro-gun group for women of all colors.

“Showing women that it is okay for them to carry a firearm is one of the best ways that we can help empower women,” Antonia Okafor, founder of the campus carry advocacy group EmPOWERed, told The College Fix in a phone interview.

The law recently expanded to encompass Texas community colleges, as well. And a federal judge recently struck down a legal challenge to the law brought by three professors, strengthening campus carry advocates’ position.

At the same time, a new voice in Texas is rising up and helping to drive a movement of women protecting themselves by exercising their Second Amendment rights.

Frankly, that’s awesome.

While there are apparently some individuals who resent anything in the gun community being set aside for women, the vast majority of us are thrilled to see more women come into the pro-Second Amendment fold. Particularly since there has been so much hysteria surrounding campus rape. Even if the numbers suggested are accurate–and there’s a significant amount of disagreement on them–it’s unlikely that would-be rapists will enjoy the idea of armed women.


What is particularly worthy of note, especially in light of the hoplophobes’ continued obsession with painting Second Amendment advocates as racist, is that Antonia Okafor is a black woman. She explained to The College Fix that when she started to deviate from the left’s chosen path for a young, black female, she was attacked for being “anti-woman” and such. She rejected that argument. “I am a woman. I just don’t want to be a weak one. I want to be strong,” she told the site.

When the ethnic studies department at the University of North Texas demanded that guns be banned from all spaces black people would occupy, Okafor took issue. Were they implying that black people were more dangerous than whites? Were they less deserving of protection from violent criminals?

These questions led to Okafor being called things like “race traitor” and so on. She responded the way many of us would have. She bought a gun.

Okafor argued that the very nature of empowerment requires individuals to be responsible for their own safety, something I agree with completely. Those who refuse to take responsibility for their personal protection are, by their very nature, handing that power over to someone else. They’ve empowered another to handle that, and they are now beholden to that other party for the very safety they crave.


I, for one, applaud Okafor for her realization of that, and I wish her luck in spreading that message. If we really want to eliminate crime, the best way is to simply make crime not worth it anymore. The realization that almost everyone is armed and willing to defend their own life is the only way I know to really make that happen.


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