NY AG wants Lapierre gone, overseers for NRA

AP Photo/Michael Conroy

The New York attorney general’s office is still gunning for the NRA. While they’ve had setbacks, they’re still looking to hammer the gun rights organization.


Since they can’t dissolve it–and really, if the members are getting screwed, why punish them by dissolving their organization? It’s an idiotic position to take–what can they do? Well, they want someone else to run the group.

Fresh off the denial of her request to see the country’s largest gun-rights group dissolved, New York Attorney General Letitia James (D.) is back in court seeking new penalties for the organization.

In an amended complaint filed on Monday as part of her ongoing corruption suit against the NRA, James requested that the court appoint both an “independent compliance monitor” and an “independent governance expert” to oversee the group and suggest further reforms. She also reiterated her request to have Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and NRA General Counsel John Frazer removed and permanently barred from serving as officers.

“LaPierre, together with his direct reports, including Defendants Phillips, Frazer and Powell, instituted a culture of self-dealing, mismanagement, and negligent oversight at the NRA,” James said in the complaint. “They overrode and evaded internal controls to allow themselves, their families, favored board members, employees and vendors to benefit through reimbursed expenses, related party transactions, excess compensation, side deals, and waste of charitable assets without regard to the NRA’s best interests.”

NRA counsel, Bill Brewer, said the AG’s claims are “baseless” and promised to “vigorously defend its commitment to good governance” in court.

“After the NRA succeeded in obtaining dismissal of her claims for dissolution, the Attorney General files yet another round of equally improper and baseless claims,” Brewer said in a statement to The Reload. “It is unfortunate that the NYAG desperately clings to a failing narrative – apparently trying to score political points in her pursuit of the NRA. Keep in mind her efforts to have a trustee appointed over the NRA failed in federal court last year.”


Despite Brewer’s comments, this may well have a far, far better chance of happening than dissolving the organization entirely.

After all, if the allegations James is leveling are accurate, the removal of LaPierre would certainly be a warranted and far more sensible response. Of course, James isn’t remotely concerned about the interests of the membership. She wants to cripple the organization so it won’t be as effective in combatting gun control.

I have no doubt that she sees LaPierre as an impediment to that.

Even if the allegations made against LaPierre are completely accurate, though, the problem with overseers–especially court-appointed ones from New York–is the possibility that they’d get in the way of what the NRA does. Would they allow the organization to be an effective gun rights group?

I have to believe that if James, who has referred to the NRA as a terrorist organization, wants it, then it’s probably something that will actually make the NRA less effective.

That’s been her goal from the start and she will not stop until she either accomplishes that task or is forced to stop.



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