Coloradans Go After Senate Leader for Gun Control Efforts

Gun rights advocates in Colorado are attempting to get political payback against some of their state legislators for helping pass strict new gun-control measures in March. On Monday, advocates plan to submit thousands of signatures for the recall of state Senate President John Morse. State Sen. Angela Giron has also been targeted.


The Morse recall effort is being followed nationally as dozens of states come under pressure to pass gun control laws in the wake of 2012 mass shootings in Colorado and Connecticut. Leading the drive is Mayors Against Illegal Guns, founded by billionaire New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg.

“If you can take the Senate president out, then you can have a very chilling effect on gun legislation throughout the country,” Mr. Morse told KUSA-TV in Denver. […]

Predictions are that the Morse recall is all but certain to qualify for the ballot, after which analysts anticipate a political dogfight featuring millions in campaign spending from national special-interest heavyweights.

Gun rights advocates only need 7,178 signatures to get Morse’s name placed on the recall ballot—and he’s not untouchable, either. Morse won re-election in 2010 by a mere 340 votes.

Gov. Hickenlooper signed three anti-gun bills in March. As a result, two gun manufacturers have announced they plan to relocate and 55 of 62 county sheriffs have filed a lawsuit against one of the new laws that limits magazine capacity to 15 rounds.

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