Is Remington about to bolt New York for gun-friendly Tennessee?

Is Remington Arms looking to transfer manufacturing jobs out of upstate New York?

It sure looks like a possibility:

One of the nation’s largest gun manufacturers, Remington Arms, has looked at sites around Nashville for a potential corporate relocation or expansion that would likely include hundreds of manufacturing jobs.

The Madison, N.C.-based company, which is part of the nation’s largest firearms company and has its largest plant in Ilion, N.Y., has scouted sites near Nashville’s airport, Lebanon and in Clarksville, Tenn.

Remington is among a growing number of gun manufacturers nationwide that have been courted by states pitching themselves as more gun-friendly. The wooing came after a handful of states, including New York, passed tougher gun control laws in the aftermath of last December’s shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., which claimed the lives of 20 first-graders and six educators.

Remington’s roughly 1,200-employee plant in Ilion makes rifles such as the Bushmaster semiautomatic weapon, which is now banned under New York’s Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, the first law passed by any state post-Newtown.


Remington wouldn’t be the first gun company to leave New York as a result of the rushed and possibly unconstitutional NY SAFE Act. Kahr Arms, which was looking to expand in the state, is already relocating their entire operation to Pennsylvania.

History shows us that the wages of tyranny are economic ruin. This lesson seems lost on New York’s anti-gun Democrats.

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