Raleigh father arrested for taking gun photos of his son... at school

It just goes to show, folks, that common sense isn’t all that common.

Photos posted to a Raleigh teen’s Instagram account show him pointing an airsoft gun at Leesville Road Elementary School’s playground, police said Wednesday.

Christopher Scott Rossetti, 42, of 8716 Springhouse Lane – the father of the 14-year-old in the photos – was cited for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Police said Rossetti took the photos of his son, who is not facing any charges.

The photos show the teen wearing a black mask and camouflage clothes posing with a gun on playground equipment. A caption on one of the photos reads, “When I wake up, the real nightmare begins.”



The “rifle” in question isn’t even a firearm under North Carolina law (or an airsoft gun, as claimed in the article), but what appears to be a $50 BB-gun.

Posting a photo of a pseudo-terrorist on school grounds to a social media account is incredibly stupid, but should it really be treated as a crime?

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