They never learn: Anti-gun Colorado apartment complex is going after elderly residents again

An apartment complex in Colorado that tried to disarm elderly Marine Art Dorsch before a public firestorm forces them to reverse their decision is back to their old tricks:


A privately-owned apartment complex that receives funding from the federal government is drawing criticism for a soon-to-be implemented policy that prohibits new residents from having guns.

The property manager says it’s about safety, but gun rights advocates say the policy is against the law.

An anonymous employee of Allied Jewish Senior Housing in Denver sent 9Wants to Know a newstip, concerned that the new gun policy will violate the rights of future residents.

As soon as the new policy takes effect, any legal gun owner who applies to live at Allied Jewish will be told they must disarm or look elsewhere.

If a new resident moves-in and is caught with a gun, they can be evicted, even if they have a weapons permit.

Hundreds of low income seniors live in the Allied Jewish apartments.

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