Another NY Sheriff Publicly Defies NY SAFE Act

Cayuga County Sheriff David Gould is the latest New York Sheriff who has stated publicly that he will not comply with provisions of the NY SAFE Act,  provisions that only expose gun owners to criminals:


Cayuga County Sheriff David Gould said he has no intention of releasing names and addresses of pistol permit holders as required under the NY SAFE Act legislation.

The gun control law states that the name and address of a pistol permit holder “shall be a public record” unless the holder files an opt-out form with the county sheriff’s office.

But Gould said the requirement intruded on law-abiding gun owners’ privacy while helping the bad guys.

“That’s absolutely ridiculous,” Gould said. “I won’t release names to people who (file a Freedom of Information Law request). It’s not any of their business. They can FOIL all they want, they can do all they want, but right now, no one who legally possesses a weapon will be known by anyone.”


The NY SAFE Act—another Bloomberg-crafted affront to liberty—is formally opposed by 52 of 58 counties in New York and at least 250 municipalities, along with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, which will not comply with the act’s provisions because of concerns over the privacy of veterans.

Various court challenges against the NY SAFE Act are currently winding their way through the courts, but until the court challenges are heard, many law enforcement agencies in New York are simply ignoring the enforcment of this unconstitutional law.

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