Armed Citizen Project plans shotgun giveaway in Florida

Cue screaming from gun control groups in three, two, one

 A gun group is offering free shotguns to residents in a central Florida neighborhood.

Member of the Armed Citizen Project say arming residents is a way to stop crime in the area. They’ve recently been handing out fliers in the Sunshine Gardens neighborhood near Orlando.

WESH-TV reports Florida program director Ron Ritter says his group hopes to work with gun manufacturers and dealers to provide free or discounted guns to homeowners. He says the effort is “perfectly legal.”


Despite the obvious scorn of the local news reporters, the program is indeed not just legal, but ethical, and growing in communities across the country.

The Armed Citizens Project will provide homeowners in selected communities a shotgun for home defense only after they’ve completed background checks and completed their “safety, legal, and tactical training.”

It is an attempt to create a “well regulated” (well-trained/smoothly functioning) cadre of armed homeowners in high crime areas, in an attempt to see if more legal guns does in fact create less crime.

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