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It’s possible that the Missouri Senate may attempt to amend language from the deeply flawed Senate Bill 73, a bill which would require private membership organizations, such as NRA, to disclose their members’ names, into Senate Bill 305. If the egregious language in SB 73 is passed, the Missouri Senate and your state Senator could potentially create a de-facto gun owner registry from your private information.
The NRA-ILA opposes any attempt to create a gun owner registry or submit private member information to any government agency.
Don’t let your Missouri state Senator vote to require the disclosure of your private information! Call your state Senator immediately and urge them to oppose any attempt to amend language similar to SB 73 into other bills! For help locating your state Senator, click here.
Also, please click the “Take Action” button below to contact your state Senator!
NRA-ILA and Bearing Arms will continue to monitor this bill and alert you of any additional issues, please stay tuned to www.nraila.org and your email inbox for any further updates.
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