Georgia Governor Signs Campus Carry Legislation Into Law

Sponsored by NRA-ILA

Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed campus carry legislation, House Bill 280, into law Thursday.

Sponsored by state Representative Mandi Ballinger (R-23), HB 280 amends restrictions in state law that prohibit law-abiding Georgia Weapons License (GWL) holders from being able to protect themselves on college and university campuses.  HB 280 will allow law-abiding GWL holders to carry when they are in or on certain buildings or real property owned by, or leased to, any public technical school, vocational school, college, university, or other institution of postsecondary education.


Thank you to NRA members and Second Amendment supporters who contacted their legislators in support of this important legislation.  Also, thank you to those legislators who supported this legislation as it progressed through the legislature.  Special thanks to Governor Deal for signing HB 280 into law.

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