NRA Sends Letter to DOJ Opposing “Bullet Button Assault Weapon” Regulations

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On Monday, June 19, the NRA and CRPA’s legal team submitted a joint letter to the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and Office of Administrative law demanding that the regulations be withdrawn or not approved as the regulations exceed DOJ’s regulatory authority.

As previously reported last month, the DOJ submitted draft regulations regarding “Assault Weapons” to the Office of Administrative Law (“OAL”) for final publication in the California Code of Regulations (CCR). To learn more about the assault weapon regulations you can watch the webinar hosted by NRA and CRPA’s legal team by clicking here.

Update on Duncan v. Becerra 

Last Tuesday, June 13, our legal team was in court to argue a motion for a preliminary injunction in Duncan v. Becerra, a federal lawsuit supported by the National Rifle Association, challenging California’s restrictions on standard capacity magazines.

California’s new restriction against the mere “possession” of magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds goes into effect July 1, 2017.   If granted, the motion will suspend the enforcement of this restriction while the case is pending.

To stay up-to-date on DOJ regulations, the Duncan case, as well as other important Second Amendment issues in California, be sure to subscribe to NRA email alerts or check the California Stand and Fight webpage.


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