Rep. John Lewis Pushes For Gun Control on House Floor

On Wednesday, Representative John Lewis (D-GA), addressed the House, urging his colleagues to take up gun control legislation. Lewis cited gun violence as his reasoning as his motivation to push his colleagues into taking up a vote on gun control.


Mr. Speaker, I rise yet again to speak out about mass shootings and gun violence in our nation.  When I think of Newtown, of Charleston, of Orlando, my heart just breaks.  Mr. Speaker, what will it take for Congress to act?  How many more must suffer? How many more must die?

Following his speech, Lewis asked for his colleagues to join him on the well of the House. He was joined by Representatives Robin Kelly (D-IL), Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), Anna Eshoo (D-CA), Joseph Kennedy III (D-MA),  John Larson (D-CT), Mike Thompson (D-CA), Elizabeth Etsy (D-CT), Jackie Speier (D-CA), Lois Capps (D-CA), and Katherine Clark (D-MA.

According to Lewis, he has received praise since he and a handful of his colleagues took a seat on the floor of the House earlier this summer. Although it is said that he will receive punishment for encouraging a vote on tougher gun laws, the Georgia representative says he’s unafraid of such punishment.


“My feeling is, I’ve been punished before. If they want to punish us, bring it on,” Lewis said. “If we violated the rules, the tradition of the House, the order of the House, punish us. We’re ready to be punished and then we’ll see what happens.”

You know what this means. It’s time to call your Representative and urge him or her to vote NO on any and all proposed gun control legislation.

While you’re at it, make a donation to the NRA, in Representative Lewis’ name, to help fight this fight!

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Cam Edwards 11:31 AM | October 21, 2024