"Armed Gays Don't Get Bashed." Manufacturer Pays For LGBT Concealed Carry Training In Orlando

Following the Orlando massacre in June, many members of the LBGT community are looking at self-defense in a new way.

Many are learning the basics of gun safety, undergoing gun training, and attending classes in order to obtain their concealed carry permit.


The Pink Pistols, an organization of LBGT members who believe in utilizing the Second Amendment to protect themselves, is doing something remarkable. They’re arming and training the LBGT community.

Standard Manufacturing, a shotgun and rifle manufacturer in Connecticut supports with the theory behind Pink Pistols that “armed gays don’t get bashed.” The gun manufacturer provided the Orlando-area chapter with a grant which pays for concealed carry training for members of the gay community. All instruction, materials, range fees, gun loans and ammo are provided at no cost.

“We are dedicated to the legal, safe, and responsible use of firearms for self-defense of the sexual-minority community,” the group’s mission statement says. “We no longer believe it is the right of those who hate and fear gay, lesbian, bi, trans, or polyamorous persons to use us as targets for their rage. Self-defense is our RIGHT.”

According to Jo Martin, a NRA certified instructor and founder of a Florida-based Pink Pistols chapter, more people in Orlando are interested in utilizing firearms to protect themselves, especially after the Pulse Nightclub shooting. Interest is particularly high among members of the LBGT community.


The free training is being offered to members of the gay community in the Orlando area, although it’s open to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation.

During the training, everyone learns the the basics of gun safety during the 4-hour long classroom portion. Each individual most show they understand the gun safety rules before heading to the range with a loaded firearm.

“We’re not just going to put you on the range and say have fun,” said Martin.

To learn more about the Pink Pistols and their free training in the Orlando area, visit: http://www.empowerfirearmstraining.com/pink-pistols.html

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