Georgina Bloomberg, daughter of gun control advocate Michael Bloomberg, is coming under heavy fire after contradicting her family’s political beliefs by dating avid hunter Carlos Arruza Jr.
Arruza Jr. is the son of Carlos Arruza, one of the 20th Century’s most prominent bullfighters. Junior starred in a 1985 film titled, “My Kingdom For…” about his father’s bullfighting.
While Georgina’s father is known for his unrelenting stance on gun control, the young woman is known in New York City for her animal rights activism. Both her father and animal rights organizations across the big apple are questioning her choice in men.
“Growing up, I always considered myself an animal lover, and then I got to the age that I realized just sort of loving animals and having them in my life wasn’t really enough. I needed to be doing something really active to help them,” Georgina Bloomberg said in early 2016.

Isn’t this the pot calling the kettle black? Wonder what the conversation is like at this dinner table…perhaps this relationship will shed some light for the Bloombergs on the other side of the hunting and gun rights conversation.
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