Virginia Takes Bold Stance on Domestic Violence, Gun Rights

The Virginia Senate just did something amazing in favor of gun rights: they amended House Bill 1853. This would reimburse victims of domestic violence and sexual assault for receiving firearms training as long as they have a protective order!


Here’s HB 1853’s legislative summary:

Victims of domestic violence, etc.; firearms safety or training course. Creates the Virginia Firearms Safety and Training for Sexual and Domestic Violence Victims Fund. The bill provides that the Department of Criminal Justice Services may distribute funds from the Fund to reimburse an entity that offers a firearms safety or training course or class approved by the Department free of charge to victims of domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalking, or family abuse. The Department would not be permitted to issue reimbursements in excess of the amount available in the Fund. The bill also requires that, upon the issuance of a protective order, the petitioner for the order be provided with a list of such approved courses or classes.

Just last week, the Virginia House approved House Bill 1852, which would allow victims of domestic violence and sexual assault to conceal carry before obtaining a concealed carry permit. As long as the victim has a restraining order in place, he or she has 45 days to apply for a CCW permit.


Both pieces of legislation go hand-in-hand and are a great way to empower victims to become survivors. Now survivors can take their safety into their own hands and out of the hands of their perpetrators.

Thanks to the NRA and gun rights advocates across the state, both pieces of legislation are no longer a possibility, but rather a reality for victims of domestic abuse!

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