Everytown for Gun Safety's Sad Attempt at Condemning NRA's Wayne LaPierre

As NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre prepared to take the CPAC stage, Everytown for Gun Safety was waiting to pounce. Just before LaPierre took the stage, Shannon Watts sent out an e-blast condemning the work the NRA has done on behalf of gun owners across the nation.



The NRA has always been and always will be dedicated to protecting our Second Amendment rights. Hillary Clinton and a potential Clinton administration was one of the greatest threats our Second Amendment has ever seen. Of course the NRA did everything in its power to defend the more than 5 MILLION members who ask them to fight on their behalf.

That’s not “cozying up” to anyone, that’s doing what their members pay them to do.

You say that your gun control supporters are “everyday Americans”, but what makes you think NRA members aren’t in that same class of people? Most of the NRA’s membership are average, everyday people, like me, who want the ability to defend ourselves should the need arise.

We’re not millionaires – in fact, most of us participated in the $25 campaign!

But perhaps that’s what you’re most angry about. The fact that millions of everyday Americans stood up and won against gun control in America, with NRA leading the way.

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