New Jersey Police Officer Shoots Himself in the Foot While Fleeing Dogs

Last week, a Franklin Lakes, NJ police officer shot himself in the foot while responding to a disturbance call. Rookie officer David Blum received a call of two German Shepard dogs who were running loose on a property. According to neighbors, the two dogs charged a young girl when she got off the school bus.


10 minutes into the call’s response, Officer Blum reported he had shot himself in the foot after firing his duty weapon at the two dogs when they attacked him. One of the dogs successfully bit him in the leg.

Signs around the property warned about guard dogs on the property.

“Do Not Enter. Guardian Dogs On Duty. They Will Bite,” the sign read, featuring two German Shepherd dogs.

Officer Blum was transported to St. Joseph’s Regional Medical Center and was eventually discharged three days later.

According to a police report obtained through a public records request, TYCO Animal Control quarantined the dogs, neither of which sustained any injuries.

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