Who Better to Test Out Smart Guns Than...Police Officers?

We’ve heard about smart guns for awhile now. In fact, back in November, the National Institute of Justice – the research, development and evaluation agency of the U.S. Department of Justice – drafted a list of guidelines for smart gun manufacturers.


In an attempt to get the American people – and specifically gun owners – behind smart guns, the government is utilizing police departments to make the push. After all, who better to promote a political agenda than the men and women in blue?

New York Daily Mail said it best:

In the current political climate, the most promising way to save lives is by accelerating the adoption of safer firearms. And the best way to do that is by harnessing the purchasing power of police departments.

In other words, if you and I are ever to change our minds on smart guns, we have to hear from police officers on the issue. But the most ironic part of that whole equation? If police officers had to rely on smart guns to do their job, they can and would be harmed. Even the New York Daily Mail admitted that flaw.

…biometric smart guns, such as those that recognize one’s thumbprint, proved to be insufficiently reliable — particularly for members of law enforcement, who frequently wear gloves or whose hands are often sweaty, muddy or even bloody.

And guess what? The same issues arise for concealed carriers and even those who wish to keep a gun in their home for self-protection. If an attacker is coming towards you, you’re going to be nervous. You’re going to have adrenaline pumping through your body. Your hands will, more than likely, be sweaty. If you had to pull that trigger, would your gun allow you to? No one wants to be on the receiving end of that experiment, especially not when your life is on the line.


Gun control advocates, however, are taking a new approach at getting smart guns on the market: heavily encouraging police departments to purchase these firearms in bulk.

There is now reason to believe that an RFID smart gun can soon be on the market. Fittingly, the key to speeding its adoption rests with police departments. If they buy these guns in large numbers and demonstrate their viability to the broader market, everything could change.

Anti-gunners, please listen up. The majority of Americans probably agree with me when I say this. I am not willing to risk the lives of our men and women in blue so that you can have “real-life data” to back up your gun control agenda.

Why are you looking at fixing something that isn’t broken? I would much rather our police officers have firearms that will ACTUALLY work if and when they need to fire them. We don’t need them to worry about the additional stress of whether or not their firearm will adequately function if they’re in a standoff with a felon.

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