House Passes Legislation to Protect Police Officers

On Thursday, the House of Representatives voted in favor of House Resolution 115, also known as the Thin Blue Line Act. The bill expands the aggravating factors of a police officers death, which could carry a death sentence in federal cases.


Currently, the killing of a federal law enforcement officer is cause for the death penalty. The Thin Blue Line Act extends the parameters to local and state law enforcement officers and first responders.

“Every day, federal, state, and local law enforcement officers around the country protect their fellow citizens from harm, keep the peace, and carry out justice. They serve every day, often with little to no recognition or support,” Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) said in a statement. “From Seattle to Dallas to New York City, in recent years, police officers have laid down their lives in the service of their communities. Sadly, 50 police officers have died in the line of duty already this year.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) came out against the legislation, saying it’s “unnecessary, counterproductive to improving law enforcement and community relations, and unlikely to prevent future violence against police.”

The ACLU submitted a letter to Chairman Goodlatte and Rep. Conyers conveying their disdain for the bill.

“Protections for law enforcement are extensive at both the federal and state levels and this bill is an example of the over-criminalization and federalism issues that many across the political spectrum are concerned about,” the letter reads. “The Thin Blue Line Act creates division between law enforcement and the communities they serve.”


Translation: Congress cares more about police officers than they do about minorities. You know this is their roundabout way of perpetuating the Black Lives Matter movement.

As the daughter of a law enforcement officer, I appreciate legislation like this. It’s important. It lets our men and women who serve our nation know that their lives matter. They willingly put their lives in harms way to protect us. The least we can do is make sure that if – heaven forbid – they’re killed in the line of duty, that their killer will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. In order to do that, pieces of legislation like this are absolutely critical.

Hats off to you, Congress.

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