CA Assemblyman: Superintendents Abuse Concealed Carry Exemption

The California Assembly just passed a stupid bill. And by stupid, I mean really stupid.

In February, Assemblyman Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento) introduced Assembly Bill 424 , which “would delete the authority of a school district superintendent, his or her designee, or equivalent school authority to provide written permission for a person to possess a firearm within a school zone.”


As the law currently stands, superintendents are allowed to grant an exception to people who wish to carry concealed on a school campus. Currently, five school districts have made exceptions for concealed carriers, including Folsom Cordova Unified, Kingsburg Joint Union, Anderson Union and Kern, all located in the Central Valley.

According to Assemblyman McCarty, the bill’s sponsor, the law was being abused by superintendents.

“This was not the intent of the bill passed a few years ago,” McCarty told the Associated Press.“Research shows allowing more guns in schools makes them less safe.”

“Those who have been deemed responsible enough to have a (concealed-carry weapon) ought to be able to have one on school grounds if their school district allows it,” said Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez (R-Lake Elsinore). “It is not our responsibility to make that decision for them.”

AB424 passed with a 43-23 vote and is currently headed to the State Senate.

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