Medal of Honor citation: George Price Hays

Following our theme of the last few months, we continue to feature MoH recipients of the 20th Century. This month we wrap it up with US Army awardees, and our first has been virtually forgotten in the folds of time. How this happened is beyond me, as he was quite a military figure. Learn briefly about him here:


It has been a pleasure – as always – to bring you these 20th Century warriors over the last few months. Next month we start a fresh theme and will be digging farther into the past. Stay tuned!

Make the most of your day!





Rank and Organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army 10th Field Artillery, 3d Division. Place and Date: Near Greves Farm, France, 14-15 July 1918. Entered Service At: Okarche, Oklahoma. Born: 27 September 1892, China. G. O. No.: 34, W.D., 1919.

At the very outset of the unprecedented artillery bombardment by the enemy, his line of communication was destroyed beyond repair. Despite the hazard attached to the mission of runner, he immediately set out to establish contact with the neighboring post of command and further establish liaison with 2 French batteries, visiting their position so frequently that he was mainly responsible for the accurate fire therefrom. While thus engaged, 7 horses were shot under him and he was severely wounded. His activity under most severe fire was an important factor in checking the advance of the enemy.

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