CA Fish and Game Wardens call on Gov. Brown to veto AB 711, which would effectively end hunting in California

The California Fish and Game Wardens’ Association has sent a letter to California Governor Jerry Brown, asking him to veto AB 711, the so-called lead bullet hunting ban.


Dear Governor Brown:

The California Fish and Game Wardens’ Association (CFGWA), established in 1937, represents
current and retired sworn California Game Wardens statewide, a state uniformed law enforcement
agency commissioned in 1871. Our California Wardens are the state’s environmental police,
teachers of conservation, protectors of fish and wildlife, and a premiere law enforcement presence
for public safety and disaster relief.

By a unanimous vote by the CFGWA Board, and strong requests from Wardens statewide, the
CFGWA joins other law enforcement colleagues and California labor leaders to respectfully urge
you to veto Assembly Bill 711.

California Game Wardens are on the front line enforcing the ban on lead ammunition for most
hunting in condor range. But there is insufficient data to justify such a drastic action across the
entire state.


Jerry Karnow, Jr., President
Gary Schales, Vice President
Board Members
California Fish and Game Wardens’ Association

The ban is an attempt by anti-hunting groups in California to end all hunting with handguns and rifles in the state, as other metals that may be used in the creation of hunting ammunition are classified as “armor-piercing” by other existing state laws.

Brown has a mixed record as governor in relation to guns rights, and it is hard to predict how he will decide to act.

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