GUN BULLIES: Moms Demand try to bully Ronald McDonald into joining their citizen control cult

It’s a simple concept for most rational people: comply with the law.

That simple concept is apparently lost on the bullies of the citizen control cultists of Moms Demand Action, who are now attempting to bully McDonald’s into banning concealed carry, even when it is legal under state laws:


Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which organized a successful campaign this summer to pressure Starbucks into banning guns from its cafes, is preparing a similar effort aimed at McDonald’s, founder Shannon Watts told POLITICO.

It’s part of the larger political shift from gun control advocacy groups, and the recognition that like much of Obama’s second term agenda, gun control is buried under the reality of a divided Congress.

Epstein needs to do better research, as Starbucks did not ban guns from their stores. As Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz made clear, he only made a request. Moms Demand also tried to target Staples, and that failed as well when the office supply chain refused to be bullied.

Mom’s Demand is doing a wonderful job of advertising of what might happen if citizen’s don’t jealous guard their liberties.

Let’s make sure they fail.


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