Lee Williams takes aim—metaphorically speaking—at the idiocy of Jersey City, NJ Mayor Steven Fulop, who wants to apply an ideological litmus test to the firearm procurement process for the Jersey City Police. Selecting a firearm based upon reliability, durability, ergonomics, cost and a host of other factors is difficult enough as it is, but now this deranged young Mayor, eager to sow his progressive oats, is now injecting the worst sort of politics into the mix:
Even though there are about a hundred things wrong with these questions – such as a manufacturer’s ability to issue requirements to their dealers, or the mere mention of smart gun technology – the Jersey City Department of Public Safety will incorporate this lunacy into its bid requirements.
Good luck with that.
Fulop calls it a “policy statement for our expectations of what gun manufacturers owe the American people when it comes to their safety and the safety of their loved ones.”
Larry Keane, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation told a New Jersey Public Television reporter, “We think it’s wrong and inappropriate to use politics as criteria for selecting the best firearm that meets the needs of law enforcement officers.”
Mr. Keane was being kind.
I think it’s time the good citizens of Jersey City ask their mayor to submit to a test of his own – the kind that involves filling up a small plastic up with a tight-fitting lid.
I frankly dare Fulop to put his political money where his mouth is, and require Jersey City Police to adopt the sort of “smart gun” technology that his fellow progressives in New Jersey have rammed down the throats of New Jersey’s citizens.
If Aramtix is good enough to trigger New Jersey’s “smart gun law” as Fulop’s fellow progressives hope, then then it is good enough for the Jersey City Police… right?
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