Judge approves Colorado town's decision to vote on hunting drones

A Colorado town considering issuing hunting permits for drone aircraft has been given the go-ahead for a special election on the matter.

A District Court judge on Tuesday rejected a legal challenge that claimed the petition drive was approved by a biased town clerk.

“I feel pretty dang good about the judge’s decision,” Kim Oldfield, the town clerk, told FoxNews.com. “I feel like I’ve been vindicated and now the people will be able to hold the vote.”

Oldfield said the vote will take place on April 1. The town’s population is 500 and about 370 of those can vote. Oldfield did not say where she stands in the debate, but said she’s for “defending the Constitution.”

Supporters of Deer Trail’s proposal say it would make the town a national attraction for gun enthusiasts and people skeptical of government surveillance. The proposal has, however, drawn a stern warning from the Federal Aviation Administration, which says shooting at unmanned aircraft is a crime.


The Constitution of the United States is supposed to work harmoniously; when parts of the Constitution are infringed upon—perhaps by an intrusive and corrupt government, for example—the people have the right to seek electoral and judicial remedies.

The judge is simply agreeing that this is the case.

The vote is ceremonial, of course. Most federal government drones fly at an altitude and distance where they can’t be seen, much less shot down by civilians armed with short-range shotguns. It is however, a way to send a message to the federal government, reminding them that violations of the Constitution may be met with Second Amendment remedies if all else fails.

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