Moms Demand Action from Illegal Mayors

Michael Bloomberg is calling his hens home to roost:

Moms will soon join mayors in a push to limit access to illegal firearms, as two high-profile groups reveal plans to merge.

Outgoing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns on Thursday will announce that it is joining with Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a year-old grassroots campaign launched the day after the Dec. 14, 2012, shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

The combined group will align Bloomberg’s deep pockets with the strong social network and media savvy the mothers’ group brings. The billionaire founder of Bloomberg News said last week that he’ll “devote extensive resources of my own” to the effort.


The merger of the two groups will combine the gaffe-prone, fact-free shrieking emotionalism  and notoriously heavy-handed censorship of Watts’s moms with Bloomberg’s shrinking, crime-laden network of local politicians, his fat wallet, gun hypocrisy, and overbearing arrogance. Both groups have seen significant setbacks in the past year.

Despite their emotional bullying tactics, Moms Demand has failed to get either Starbucks or Staples to ban firearms from their chains, and are now focusing their non-success on attempting to bully fast food giant MacDonald’s.

Bloomberg’s Mayors have been hemorrhaging membership in recent years, with politicians fleeing the group and/or heading to prison.

The article notes that citizen control groups have merged before. The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence and the Million Mom March merged in 2002, and have fallen into almost complete irrelevance.


An official name for the group has not been announced.

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