Gun-grabber McAuliffe's election means Beretta won't move to Virginia

Emily Miller drops the hammer on Virginia’s hopes to be Beretta USA’s new home:

Beretta has eliminated Virginia from its short list of states to move its company because anti-gun Democrat Terry McAuliffe was elected governor.

The firearms manufacturer made the decision to scratch Virginia off the list after the McAuliffe campaign fixated on restricting gun owners’ rights after receiving over $1 million in campaign donations from billionaire New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

“The anti-gun ads that McAuliffe ran in northern Virginia were particularly offensive,” Jeff Reh, general counsel of Beretta USA, told me in an interview. “And the fact that he could gain a voting advantage by doing so caused us additional concern.”

The family owned, 500-year old Italian company has been scouting locations for its Accokeek factory in reaction to Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley ramming radical gun-control into law last spring.
The Virginia site of the possible plant was one of six finalists locations that Beretta executives are now considering, after visiting 80 location in seven states.

Mr. Reh said that, “All this was a real disappointment because of the great pro-gun and pro-business response we received from the Commonwealth and local political and business leaders throughout our search process in Virginia.”


So who has the inside track on Beretta?

It’s just a guess…

…but I’m leaning towards South Carolina.

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