CJ Grisham to appeal misdemeanor conviction

CJ Grisham isn’t going to meekly accept the misdemeanor verdict handed down against him in a nationally-publicized open carry case. He’s going to appeal:


The soldier convicted of a misdemeanor in a case argued by gun-rights advocates isn’t giving up his court fight.

The Temple Daily Telegram reports that the attorney for U.S. Army Master Sgt. Christopher Grisham has filed a notice of his intent to appeal Grisham’s November conviction for interfering with the duties of a public servant.

The dashcam video of the incident seems to show Temple police officer Steven Ernis was arguably as much at fault for escalating the situation as much as Grisham, and that may have been the reason Grisham’s first trial ended in a mistrial.

Grisham has two more pending court cases, one of weapons-related charges and another for trespassing, both part of his open carry guns rights battle against the state of Texas.

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