We mocked Athens County (Ohio) Sheriff Pat Kelly yesterday for his moronic misinterpretation of an easily understood aspect of Ohio’s concealed carry laws. Kelly intended to deny concealed carry permits to citizens even after they have either been found not guilty, plead to a lesser non-disqualifying charge, or had their charges dropped. He was essentially claiming that the legal system was irrelevant and that being charged was a disqualifying event for all time.
The assistant county prosecutor has now set him straight:
On Monday, following news coverage of the case of a man from The Plains, who recently was denied a concealed-carry permit because of a past criminal case, Kelly requested a legal opinion on the matter from county Prosecutor Keller Blackburn.
The same day, assistant prosecutor Elizabeth Pepper responded, telling the sheriff in so many words that he was wrong to refuse to renew the man’s permit, based on a 10-year-old domestic violence charge that was pleaded down to a conviction for disorderly conduct.
Athens County needs to find a sheriff that can read laws written and plain English and not screw them up. Pat Kelly isn’t fit to serve.
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