South Carolina's Haley backs constitutional carry bill

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is rapidly becoming one of my favorite pro-gun politicians. She’s welcomed numerous gun companies fleeing the liberty-hating governments of the northeast, was happy to get a Beretta PX4 Storm under the Christmas tree in December, and just signed a restaurant carry bill into law. It was after signing the carry bill that she indicated that she is receptive to the constitutional carry bill being offered in the State senate:


 S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley said Tuesday that she backs a proposal that would make it legal for most South Carolinians to carry guns – concealed or in the open – without a permit or the training that the state currently requires.

Haley made her comments after she signed into law a bill that allows gun owners with licenses to carry concealed weapons into businesses that serve alcohol – restaurants and bars – as long as they do not drink alcohol and the businesses did not bar guns.

After signing the restaurant and bar bill, Haley said she backs a pending state Senate bill, called the “Constitutional Carry Act,” that would eliminate the state’s current permitting and training requirements for citizens who wish to carry firearms.

“Criminals are dangerous, and I think that every resident should be allowed to protect themselves from criminals,” Haley said when asked by The State to respond to some state senators’ fears that doing away with the permitting and training requirements could threaten the public.

Even though the constitutional carry bill (S.15) is supported by Haley, it faces a steep uphill battle, and is not likely to make it out of committee in the S.C. Senate thanks to citizen-control-obsessed Democrats.

Haley gets bonus points for hammering a dim-witted Moms Demand Action cultist who opposed the restaurant carry bill, which allows citizens to conceal carry in restaurants that serve alcohol as long as they don’t drink.


Elaine Cooper of Columbia – a member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, a group that fought the restaurant and bar bill – addressed Haley Tuesday at the bill-signing ceremony, saying she had talked to Columbia business owners that plan on opting out of the plan.

“I don’t believe that this is a sensible gun act,” Cooper said. “No matter how you spin it, alcohol does not mix with concealed weapons.”

“I agree that alcohol and guns don’t mix,” Haley said in response. “They never will. And that is why it’s illegal.”

I wonder if Moms Demand cultists ever bother to read the legislation they protest, or if they’re simply content to fly off the handle in opposition to any and all common sense gun laws.

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