HEAD-DESK: Florida Gun Show Cancelled Because of George Zimmerman

Just when you thought he’d dropped off the media’s radar, George Zimmerman has shown up again, and this time, he’s blamed for getting a Florida gun show cancelled.


A Florida gun show was cancelled after organizers publicly announced Trayvon Martin killer George Zimmerman would be a guest at the event – but Zimmerman will still make a public appearance.

‘The New Orlando Gun Show,’ scheduled for this weekend at Orlando’s Majestic Events Center, was cancelled Thursday despite more than 100 vendors threatening to take the owners to court if the show did not go on.

Organizer Mike Piwowarski, who also owns a local gun store, told ClickOrlando that the show was cancelled because of the announced Zimmerman appearance, and Zimmerman posted emails to his Twitter account backing up that claim.

I can’t begin to understand what Mike Piwowarski was thinking.

mike wazowski
What did I do?


No, not Mike Wazowski, Mike Piwowarski.

Later, suckers!

Due to the race-baiting media circus that led up to the trial, Mr. Zimmerman was hated by many before his trial. Many hated him even more afterward, convinced he had somehow cheated the system. Those Americans that might have been predisposed to give Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt after his acquittal then saw him accused by both his ex-wife and a girlfriend of threatening him with guns within months of the acquittal.


Fair or not, the general public perception of Zimmerman is that he is a loose cannon, an unstable individual that is destined to be back in the news for another alleged gun crime. It isn’t unfair at this point to say that George Zimmerman shares the “celebrity status” of someone like Casey Anthony.

Why anyone thinks it would be good PR to bring someone so divisive and toxic to a gun show, of all places, I simply can’t fathom. It’s like asking O.J. Simpson and Lorena Bobbit to attend a knife convention.

Unless Mike Piwowarski wants controversy for The Arms Room for the sake of controversy, he’s made a horrible decision here. They only thing worse was the Majestic Events Center’s decision to cancel the show. In the end, they’re likely to be sued by the vendors who had planned to attend the show for a substantial amount of money for breaking what appears to be a legally binding contract.

What a mess.

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