Mother of Teen Shot In Girl's Bedroom Wants Father Charged With Murder

I understand her sadness, but this was not murder:

The father who police said fatally shot a 17-year-old boy in his daughter’s bedroom should be charged with murder, the victim’s distraught mother says.

Johran McCormick’s mother said she can’t believe her son was killed while sneaking around with the 16-year–old girl he was apparently dating, the Houston Chronicle reported Saturday.

Zakia McCormick also can’t understand why the man accused of firing the fatal shot Thursday is not behind bars.

“If you take a life, you give your life,” the newspaper quoted a teary Zakia McCormick as saying. “We’re suffering. Why isn’t he suffering too?”
She and the teen’s father Shawn Curley said the man should be charged with murder and sentenced to life behind bars.

The Harris County Sheriff’s Office is investigating the shooting and has said a grand jury will determine if charges are warranted.
Although a grand jury will review the case, prosecutor Warren Diepraam told Friday that it is unlikely that the father will be charged.


Johran McCormick was shot in his girlfriend’s bedroom by her father after she denied knowing who he was and he made a sudden move that the father interpreted as aggression.

In general, it’s a bad idea to make sudden moves when someone has a gun pointed at you, especially when they are in their own home and aren’t sure who you are, or why you are there.

The father was distraught after the shooting and had to be taken to the hospital.


If anyone should face charges, it should be the father’s daughter 16-year-old. She invited the boy into the home, got caught, and then lied to her father, stating that he was a stranger instead of her boyfriend, escalating the perceived threat.

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