We wrote yesterday over concerns posted on NYFirearms.com that a NY SAFE Act-related rifle confiscation may have taken place in Lancaster, NY. At the time of our post, we’d attempted to make contact with the Lancaster Police Department to find out more about the case.
The captain of the Lancaster PD’s patrol division, Marco Laurienzo, called back this morning to help shed some light on the story.
Captain Laurienzo said plainly, “this is not a NY SAFE Act case.”
He stated that the two carbines confiscated from the impounded vehicle were confiscated in order to perform a ballistics test, to see if either firearm can be matched to the slug that struck the building. If the 9mm bullet recovered from the building is matched to the Beretta Storm carbine, then the owner of that rifle is likely to find himself battling a felony reckless endangerment charge.
Captain Laurienz said that the owner of the AR-15 equipped with the AR MR2 device will likely have his rifle returned to him once it has been ruled out as the weapon that fired the shot.

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