ANOTHER "GUN FREE ZONE?" Four Shot At Seattle Pacific University. [UPDATED]


As is typical, the mainstream media is rushing each and every unconfirmed rumor to print. We’ll post confirmed facts later this evening once we can verify the details of today’s events. Check back here for updates.

Update: Seattle Police Detective Renee Witt has released a statement on the SPD Blotter:

One person was killed and three others injured Thursday afternoon after a lone gunman opened fire with a shotgun at Seattle Pacific University. Police have one suspect in custody, an adult male who was subuded after being pepper-sprayed by a student security guard. No one else is being sought in connection with the shooting.

All of the victims were taken to Harborview Medical Center. One 20-year-old male victim died at the hospital. Another male victim was reported in stable condition. In addition, one woman had life threatening injuries and another woman was reported in stable condition. More information will be provided as it becomes available.

Exclusive: A Bearing Arms reader received word from senior faculty inside the building that two students in the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (NROTC) program at SPU took down the shooter.

Early media reports of a second shooter—once again—proved to be false.

Update 2: The shooter “was not a student at the University.”

“The shooter began to reload his shotgun and a student that is the building monitor inside the hall confronted the shooter, was able to subdued the individual, and once on the ground, other students jumped on top of him and were able to pin the shooter to the ground until police arrived,” said Seattle Police West Precinct Capt. Chris Fowler.

The suspect was arrested and taken to police headquarters. A source with Seattle police said the suspect is from the Seattle area and confessed to the shooting, and had “an intent.”

The source added that the suspect was still talking to detectives and had minor injuries, but would be taken to jail, not the hospital, after questioning.

An SPU professor said he did not recognize the suspect. He called the student who subdued the suspect a “hero who saved lives.”

Seattle police confirmed the suspect was not a student at the university.


Update 3: The shooter—who we will refuse to identify by name—was obsessed with the thought of carrying out a school shooting and made a pilgrimage to Columbine High School.

Once again, it appears that a mentally disturbed person decided to carry out a mass murder in hopes of becoming or being recognized for… something.

Once again, the citizen control cultists are quickly attempting to use the event to justify infringing upon our most basic liberties.

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