BREAKING: Heroic Concealed Carrier DID Try To Take Down Cop Killers in Las Vegas

Various law enforcement agencies and military units  have memorials to those that have fallen in service to their country.

If we ever build such a memorial to concealed carriers who put their lives at risk to save others, the name of Joseph Robert Wilcox, 31, of Las Vegas deserves to be on that wall.


Wilcox was killed yesterday attempting to take down the deranged couple that had just  murdered Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officers Alyn Beck and Igor Soldo at a nearby Cici’s Pizza location.  Wilcox apparently spotted the husband as he rushed into Walmart, and tried to take him down:

After the shooting, the couple headed toward a nearby Wal-Mart, where J**** M***** was confronted by Joseph Robert Wilcox, 31, of Las Vegas. Wilcox was legally carrying a concealed pistol. Wilcox was unaware that A***** M*****, who was pushing a shopping cart, was involved in the incident and “lying in wait,” the official said.

She slipped behind Wilcox and shot him at close range.

“He had no idea the wife was walking behind him,” the police official said of the murdered man. “This guy (Wilcox) was not some idiot with a gun. To me, he was a hero. He was trying to stop an active shooter.”

It wasn’t immediately clear if Wilcox fired a shot, or if he hit J***** M***** before he died.

Police said this morning that Wilcox was killed without firing a shot.

You will note that we have obscured the names of the murdering chemtrail conspiracy theorists, and we will not be giving them the attention in death they so obviously craved.


Mr. Wilcox had no duty to protect a Walmart full of strangers, but put his life on the line to attempt to stop what he feared was a lone gunman attacking the store.

John 15:13 has never felt more appropriate.

Godspeed, Mr. Wilcox.

Update: The Review Journal updated the last line we cited above, noting that Mr. Wilcox was killed before he was able to fire upon the male attacker. We’ve struck-through the original line, and placed the updated line below it.

Update: Mr. Wilcox’s family speaks. Donations are being accepted to help pay for Mr. Wilcox’s funeral, and to establish funds for the families of Officers Beck and Soldo.

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