Everytown Staffer Compares Firearm Deaths To 9/11 Terrorism

Jason Rzepka, director of cultural engagement for Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, spoke at the far-left “Netroots Nation” gathering recently, on a panel: Food, Guns and Money: A Showcase of Advocacy Films on July 19, 2014.


A member of the audience asked Rzepka what they could do to rebut the arguments of Americans that insist upon fighting for their constitutional rights against citizen control cultists. The Daily Caller notes Rzepka’s response:

Rzpeka responded that the group is working to increase awareness and public support for improving gun safety laws, and also to “strengthen the tremendously weak gun laws across the country.”

“But in some ways, I think a lot of people are becoming numb to it and they’re losing sight of the fact that 31,000 American lives that are being lost each year,” Rzpeka said.

“I think if 31,000 Americans died from just about anything else, we probably would have figured it out,” Rzpeka said. “Like we spent a trillion dollars responding to an attack on the World Trade Center. So, you know…”

Nearly 3,000 Americans died during the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.


According to the FBI, there were 8,855 firearm-related homicides in the United States in 2012. Few, if any, were related to terrorism. Most firearm deaths are actually suicides.

How Rzepka can make such a comparison, while presumably knowing the data, is deplorable.

There is another form of intentional death in the United States that takes more than one million lives each year, but you won’t likely hear Rzepka or his fellow travelers at Netroots Nation campaigning to stop that sort of violence, or comparing it to terrorism, anytime soon.

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