The Next 'Shot Heard 'Round the World' May Be Fired In Texas

A group of self-organized militiamen patrol in Texas near the Mexican border. Photo from the San Antonio Express-News.

The crisis along our southern border with Mexico is only getting worse.

tx militia patrol
A group of self-organized militiamen patrol in Texas near the Mexican border. Photo from the San Antonio Express-News.

The Mexican government is allowing tens of thousands of criminal aliens from Central American nations to transit their nation unimpeded to invade the United States. It’s a stunning development for a nation which (ironically) has far stricter immigration laws that the United States does, and which once used to arrest and deport illegals from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. For reasons unknown to us—which should perhaps be the focus of a Congressional investigation—Mexico has stopped turning these criminal invaders back, and may even be actively be assisting them in their travels north.

It would be relatively easy for the U.S. government to shut down this flow of criminal immigrants.

The U.. government could simply put economic sanctions on Mexico for failing to stop the invaders at their southern border, and the Mexicans would staunch the flow at two natural checkpoints, one in the state of Oaxaca on Mexico’s west coast, and the other in the state of Veracruz-Llave on the nation’s east coast. The vast wilderness area between these two states in the narrow “foot” of Mexico forces migrants to these coastal routes, where they can be captured and repatriated if the Mexican and United States governments had any interest in stopping the invasion, which the two federal governments quite obviously do not.

It thus appears that American citizens will be left to do the job of stopping the criminal invasion that these governments won’t.


When this nation was founded, the Constitution was written to lay out what the government could do, and the Bill of Rights was created define individual rights and protect the citizenry from governmental tyranny.

The Second Amendment—our primary focus at Bearing Arms—was written to codify a pre-existing human right to self-defense, which includes the right of self-defense from criminals, tyrants, and foreign invaders.

The Founders would take a very dim view of the federal government’s refusal to protect the Republic’s southern border with Mexico.

American presidents from both parties have repeatedly failed to build physical barrier to stop criminal immigration, drug cartels, arms smuggling, and terrorist infiltration. Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California are all but undefended in many stretches as a practical matter, and the Border Patrol has been hamstrung by bureaucrats and politicians who do not wish for them to succeed. At no point in our history, however, has a Presidential Administration so blatantly refused to lift a finger to stop a deluge of foreign invaders.

Is this what Barack Obama meant when he said that he wanted to “fundamentally transform” America?

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A group of self-organized militiamen patrolling near the Mexican border talk with a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Photo from the San Antonio Express-News.
A group of self-organized militiamen patrolling near the Mexican border talk with a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Photo from the San Antonio Express-News.

Americans who are sick and tired of the refusal of the Obama Administration to stop importing criminal aliens and distributing them around the nation are beginning to take matters into their own hands. Many are protesting attempts by the federal government to bring these largely illiterate, unskilled, disease-carrying criminal invaders deeper into the heartland, but there are also groups now taking a very active role along the border themselves, seeking to stop the criminal invasion of our nation since the federal government has no apparent interest in enforcing the rule of law.

The militias are turning out.

Photos showing dozens of members of the militia groups on the U.S.-Mexico border carrying semi-automatic rifles and wearing masks, camouflage and tactical gear provide one of the first glimpses into the group’s activities on the border.

Members of the militia groups, who say they have 10 active “teams” along the state’s southern border, are seen at campsites, walking along the Rio Grande River, pointing rifles and pistols out of frame and flipping off the camera in the photos obtained by the San Antonio Express-News.

A spokesperson for the group provided the photos under the condition that members’ faces be blurred because of fear of being identified by “cartel and gang members.”

One of the photos shows a Border Patrol agent leaning through an armed militia member’s vehicle window and pointing on a map. The U.S. Customs and Border Protection earlier this month strongly rebuked the group’s presence on the border but did not return multiple requests for comment regarding the photo.

Gov. Rick Perry, who last week ordered 1,000 Texas National Guard members to the border, declined to comment specifically on the militia groups through a spokesman but said he is “leading to secure the border.”

The groups, including Oathkeepers, Three Percenters and Patriots, began recruiting and organizing more than a month ago, as national media outlets began focusing on an influx of Central American immigrants illegally crossing the border, including more than 50,000 unaccompanied minors.


These patrols of self-organized, self-supporting volunteer militias are armed with semi-automatic rifles. Most wear some form of military camouflage and kit, with multiple magazines for their weapons. Some wear military-grade body armor.  Many appear to be military combat veterans, and have defended the United States before in Afghanistan or Iraq.

This time, their acting with greater urgency, on our own soil.

To date, intercepts of criminal aliens by these militias have been peaceful affairs, with militias calling in the Border Patrol to capture invaders whose intention is to obtain the free food, medical care, and government housing that the Obama Administration seems intent on lavishing on criminal invaders that they seem to want to groom into a new far-left underclass of Democrat voters.

Eventually, however, these patrols are likely to run into armed coyotes, the smugglers who bring humans, weapons, and drug shipments across the border.  In many instances, these coyotes are actively escorted by (or are made entirely up of) members of the Mexican Army.

Eventually, there will be confrontations. There will be firefights. Americans and criminal invaders will both fall, and the vivid cost in blood along the border will inflame an American people who has been quietly simmering with rage against a lawless Administration.

How will Americans respond to civilians dying because federal agencies and the criminal-enabling Obama Administration refuse to fulfill their oaths of office?


If current sentiment is any guide, any of the self-organizing militia who fall will result in the mobilization of more volunteers, and any attempt by this corrupted government to stop the militia patrols or press criminal charges against men and women doing the job that the government intentionally fails to do will result in citizens standing against government agents like they did at Bundy Ranch… and with much less patience.

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A group of self-organized militiamen patrol in Texas near the Mexican border. Photo from the San Antonio Express-News.
A group of self-organized militiamen patrol in Texas near the Mexican border. Photo from the San Antonio Express-News.

It is the duty of the federal government to secure the borders and prevent foreign invasion. They have resolutely refused to perform these tasks.

Their actions suggest that they are instead facilitating the invasion by refusing to secure the border, refusing to mobilize and deploy the National Guard, refusing to mobilize and deploy Homeland Security, and refusing to use the many diplomatic tools at their disposal to stop the flow of immigration at Mexico’s southern border, far from our own.

The federal government has abandoned their duty to defend the Republic. American citizens are now beginning to use their natural right to self-defense to form self-organized militias to protect their nation.

When government fails, the people will rise.

If we hope to remain a sovereign nation under a President who has abandoned the rule of law, we seem to have no other choice.


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Cam Edwards 9:31 AM | January 13, 2025