Minnesota Rep. Erhardt to Head Of Gun Rights Group: "I'll Blow Your Head Off!"

Anti-gun (but apparently pro-violence) Minnesota Democrat Ron Erhardt allegedly threatened a survey taker over the phone.
Anti-gun (but apparently pro-violence) Minnesota Democrat Ron Erhardt allegedly threatened a survey taker over the phone.
Anti-gun (but apparently pro-violence) Minnesota Democrat Ron Erhardt allegedly threatened a survey taker over the phone.

84-year-old Minnesota Democrat Ron Erhart doesn’t seem to like to answering surveys from constituent groups, and seems to have a particular dislike of Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance President Andrew Rothman, who was seeking Erhardt’s response to a candidate survey.


Erhardt’s allegedly explosive response to Rothman’s request for answers to a gun rights survey was way over the line:

Earlier this summer, GOCRA sent two emails asking Erhardt, 84, to respond to their questions. He didn’t respond, so at 5:19 p.m. on July 19, Rothman followed up with a phone call.
Here’s how that conversation went, according to an affidavit signed by Rothman:

When contacted, the individual answering the phone identified himself as Ron Erhardt. Your affiant identified himself and reminded Rep. Erhardt of the approaching questionnaire deadline. Rep. Erhardt indicated that he did not intend to complete the survey. Your affiant, following the procedure used with each candidate, reminded Mr. Erhardt that GOCRA’s policy was to give a special “F*” grade to candidates with no voting record or survey, as set out in the “How will this information be used?” section of the introduction…

Rep. Erhardt responded, yelling, “Give me a double F! No more surveys! You come near me, and I’ll blow your head off!” Rep. Erhardt then disconnected the phone call. The call’s duration was 78 seconds.


Perhaps voters in Erhardt’s district might want to consider if he has the kind of temperament to be an effective legislator. Personally, I think he sounds tired, and in need of a vacation from a job that seems to be too stressful for him.

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